Weather Alerts
We care about your safety! Check back here for regular weather alerts.
2/8/2025 6PM – Snow will breakout late this evening and is expected to continue to late morning tomorrow. A general 6″ of accumulation is expected. Dedicated site crews should arrive to their destinations by 11pm tonight. The remaining staff members will be departing the shop around 3am. Crews will likely work throughout the day tomorrow, and revisit on Monday for typical detail check-ups.
2/6/2025 10:30AM – The winter storms keep on coming. Snow has just begun, and we expect a fluffy 4″ or so throug dinner time, with a possible short period of freezing drizzle at the end. Dedicated crews are enroute to their sites at this time, and all others are expected in by Noon. We will keep properties passable through the day. Because of the freezing drizzle threat, we opt to delay final clearing until that threat has passed to reduce the black ice potential. It is best to have the drizzle land on snow that can be then plowed after than to have the drizzle land on frozen cleared pavement. A full round of salt will be applied overnight after plowing. Crews will do post storm inspections tomorrow and prepare for another round of snow starting in the predawn hours Sunday.
2/2/2025 9:30PM – Evening snow will begin within the hour, bringing 1-3″ by daybreak when it ends. Dedicated crews are scheduled for a 10PM arrival, and all other staffers will be in before 4AM as this is likely a one visit storm for most properties. As before, residual salt is on the ground and we will post treat tomorrow as more weather is expected mid week.
1/31/2025 2PM – This afternoon and evening we are expecting light rain and snow showers to transition into steady snow as the night goes on. All properties have residual salt from the last event; thus, we did not specifically pretreat properties. Dedicated site crews will report in this afternoon, around 4pm. Because of the expected slow start of deeper accumulation, most other crews will begin in the early morning hours. A total of 3-4″ is expected, and the end time will be near sunrise.
1/29/2025 3AM – Apologies for the late update due to computer servicing late yesterday. All sites had residual salt, though large commercial sites were retreated due to proximity of start of storm to business hours start time. Dedicated site crews were on site roughly at 3AM. All other crews will dispatch from office by 4AM. The primary accumulation of 2-3″ should be done by 9AM, and we will clear all that is possible and salt. Minor flurries are possible mid afternoon, and crews are expected to make rounds after dinner to complete areas that we couldn’t reach during daylight hours.
1/17/2025 Noon – The holiday weekend is looking eventful. A small amount of rain is expected on Saturday. The residual salt that is down will limit any initial icing due to cold ground temperatures. Though major icing is unlikely, we will be monitoring for deteriorating conditions. As the rain ends, a full round of salt is likely. Sunday into Monday has promise of an overnight snow event possible, likely a plowable event with 2-5″ of accumulation in the early forecast. Early indications is that crews would be dispatched anytime between 6pm and midnight Sunday evening.
1/10/2025 1:30pm – A small disturbance of snow showers are likely tomorrow, bringing the potential of a coating to upwards of 2″ of snow. Due to prior snow shower threats within the past week, most properties already have ample salt on the ground that likely will melt the first 1/2″ or so. Crews will be monitoring the situation starting late morning tomorrow. Field conditions and radar predictions tomorrow will dictate if we apply additional salt or allow precipitation to accumulate for plowing in the early evening, with follow up salt after clearing.
12/23/2024 3:30pm – Early tomorrow morning, roughly 2-4am, we are expecting light snow showers to begin. Because the last weather event missed us, there is a layer of salt already on the ground. Initial dedicated site staff, salt truck drivers, and managers will arrive at 3am to determine if this will likely be a salt only event or if plowing will be likely. Regardless, this will be a minimal event of 0 to 3″ of snow, wrapping up around Noon Tuesday.
12/20/2024 2:pm – This afternoon/evening we are expecting a dusting to upwards of 1″ of snow. Because of the Friday afternoon commute causing traffic congestion and snow response times, we opted to pretreat the majority of our accounts early this morning. Because of this, we don’t expect any immediate concerns on our properties this afternoon. We will have staff members monitoring conditions after the precipitation begins, to decide on either additional salt applications, plowing/shoveling, or nothing at all. Looking ahead, a similar system but perhaps more intense, is expected on Christmas Eve Day through Christmas. We will update on this early next week.
12/9/2024 10:30am – 0-3″ expected this evening until early hours tomorrow AM, with the chance of freezing drizzle around daybreak. Dedicated sites will likely see staff around 8 or 9 pm and full staffing is slated for 1am tomorrow. This could be either a salt or plow event. Because of the expected threat of freezing drizzle, crews will remain vigilant through tomorrow. As we near Wednesday, a warming trend is expected with significant rain and wind.
12/4/2024 6pm – This evening into the first half of Thursday, we are on the edge of winter weather. Though a cold rain is likely on the coastal side of the Route 1 corridor, upwards of 2 inches of snow is possible just west of I-95. With the tight gradient, select team members will be out monitoring conditions beginning at 9pm this evening, and they will alert additional staffing as needed. All crew members will have further instructions no later than 3am. Because of the refreeze potential last Friday, most properties already have a layer of salt on the surface which will assist to address any initial black ice due to the frozen ground. If the precipitation stays as rain, our ongoing risk of isolated black ice is limited but certainly possible in the more shaded areas, so please be alert. As the precipitation concludes, we will apply salt again to address refreezing Thursday evening.
4/4/2024 4:30pm UPDATE – The storm looks like it will take many hours, possibly days. We expect snow showers to continue through the night, so we’ve decided to get properties in decent shape and rest most crews from 8pm to 2am, and then get back at it. Only minor accumulations are expected in this time frame and we also need municipal crews to catch up on roadways before we can finish our work.
4/2/2024 3:00pm – Just because it’s April doesn’t mean winter is over! A large and slow moving storm will begin to impact our weather beginning Wednesday in the form of showers and rain. This is expected to transition to snow during the evening hours Wednesday, with the bulk of the accumulating snows expected in the early hours of Thursday and well into the daytime hours. 6-8″ looks to be a fair estimate at this time, but anything can happen with these large spring storms. The storm will be so large, it will be supplying the cold air via a very low pressure core. As this passes, the threat of accumulating snow will diminish, and the storm will likely end with rain or a mix that doesn’t accumulate on paved surfaces. Like most of our storms, this to is a very complex and changing system. High winds combined with heavy snow and weak trees will be a substantial concern for both power outages and travel ability. Service delays are possible if our crews are unable to reach properties. Crews and equipment are ready, and we anticipate our first dispatch mid to late evening Wednesday, with all crews in for dispatch pre-dawn Thursday. We echo local emergency services in that it is best to cancel plans for Thursday, and stay home if at all possible. Be safe!
3/22/2024 3:00pm – UPDATE – The storm from the previous update is trending colder, and with substantial moisture associated with it, multiple weather models are now indicating we too could see double digit snow totals in the Portland area. Regardless, the event should start as snow in the predawn hours, so our crews will be monitoring. This will be a fluid situation, and we will adjust to what the weather decides to do. This also will be a long event of roughly 24 hours of precipitation, with many hours of clean-up and/or deicing.
3/21/2024 3:00pm – Winter is threatening a return! A major snowstorm looks to be in the cards this weekend, mostly to our north as the ocean temps will keep our local area warmer. We are expecting 0-4″ in our service area, so with that are electing to pre-treat properties starting Friday morning so that staff can be fresh and ready for when needed, for as long as needed through the event. Due to soft soils, if we do need to plow, we likely will attempt to keep off lawn areas as much as possible. Rain is expected to mix with the storm in our area, and cold follows, so more salt will be needed at the end. Updates are possible.
2/16/2024 3:00am – Update to Storm – In tracking this event, we have opted to dispatch all crews and treat this event with salt as further accumulation looks unlikely.
2/15/2024 8:00am – Late this evening and through the overnight, we are expecting 2-4″ of snow. Many properties already have either residual salt or pretreat salt from the missed storm earlier this week, so no additional salt is planned before this event. The conclusion of this event is expected around the morning commute, so unfortunately this creates a time crunch at a high traffic volume time. We will do our best at balancing breakouts of residential properties if needed, vs clearing business lots for arrival. All employees will be dispatched no later than 3am, with many working prior to that. Clean-up will continue throughout the day, with minor check-backs in the evening if needed.
1/28/2024 9:30am – Once again a “warm” system will cross our area this evening and throughout the night, ending near day break Monday. The various weather models are again consistently inconsistent, with snow totals forecasted between 0-6″. With the elevated temps, it is pretty certain that we will have rain at the onset. The question becomes if and when enough cold air can enter the area, changing precipitation to snow. Dedicated site crews have a targeted 6pm monitor time set, though this can change. All staff is expected in by 3am. As with all storms that begin as rain, the surface can get pretty slick as the salt will be wash away. We will be post treating with salt after final clearing as the temperatures will drop substantially on Monday afternoon.
1/26/2024 9:am – The forecast of brief frozen precipitation followed by rain has once again failed like the last system. All properties had a salt layer down to begin the day, and all trucks actively doing what they can, though with this amount of rain mixed in, there is minimal positive results from the salt other than keeping the lay mealy and pliable. If the sleet and mixed snow continue, it is likely that properties will need to be plowed/scraped at the conclusion of the event, and again salted.
1/24/2024 9:45am – The intensity of the short duration snow system this morning has caused some minor accumulations, and though the intensity has subsided, accumulation continues because the salt layer has dissipated . At this time we are planning to do a complete plow/scrape of properties beginning around Noon or shortly thereafter. Rain showers are anticipated later this evening with rising temps, so it will be a fluid decision if and how much salt will be applied. Currently the temperatures are lower than forecasted.
1/23/2024 1pm – Unsettled weather is expected pre-dawn tomorrow, and it will continue to be on and off throughout the week. The initial burst of precipitation is expected to fall as snow, but less than 1″. Considering the salt layer that is on most surfaces, it is unlikely that plowing/clearing of snow will be needed. Additionally, because the system will transition to sleet, freezing rain, and plain rain, the thin layer of snow/slush helps to reduce black ice and glazing. If plowing is required, we obviously will do so however there may be a brief time period of some snow on the ground. As the week moves along, a second and third wave of energy look to hit in the form of rain showers / light rain. After each period of rain, salt applications may be needed. Looking ahead, there is a chance of a snowstorm to start next week. Our crews will be in trucks and on watch starting around 3am Wednesday, with weather spotters monitoring prior to that. As the weather system passes, we will dispatch crew members as needed to address whatever the storm throws at us. In this case, is looks to be more of rotating salt crews rather than calling in all staff members for snow clearing.
1/15/2024 9am – Snow showers last evening required only minimal salting, however a more impactful system is expected tomorrow (Tuesday) late morning into the evening, with snow amounts of 2-4″, possibly more. In preparation, our crews will be out this evening pre-salting properties. Our operations team will review the updated forecast on Tuesday morning to set our crew dispatch times. At this time, it looks likely that crews will be out starting sometime tomorrow afternoon. Check back tomorrow for possible updates.
1/5/2024 9am – Our first snowstorm of the season looks to finally make its arrival overnight Saturday. The forecasted timing and amounts will continue to vary, but at this time we are planning for about a 4-8″ storm from Midnight Sunday morning through dinner time Sunday evening. Mixing is NOT expected. If the timing and forecast holds true, crews will be dispatched in the early morning hours accordingly and work throughout the day, and into Sunday evening for the final clearing. As is true for most storms, it is always best to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. Our office phone will be staffed for much of the event, though with this being the first storm of the year, managers will be making additional training runs. If our plan changes much from this statement, we will post an update prior to dispatch.
12/24/2023 2am – An unexpected light rain event crossed our area tonight. Though temps are in the middle 30’s, the ground is frozen and has caused black ice in numerous areas. Our first salt trucks have departed from our shop already, and support staff are trying to make it in however road conditions are bad west of Portland. Temps are forecasted to rebound significantly during the day to help dry this up. We urge caution as even treated properties can remain slippery as the minimal amount of moisture takes time to dissolve salt enough to melt large areas.
12/4/2023 3am – The rain/snow line moved closer to the coast in the early morning hours, so salt crews are out checking properties. The I-95 to route 1 line is generally the snow line, where properties along the ocean stayed all rain. Crews will continue to monitor as long as the threat of freezing/accumulation remains. A more wide spread freezing situation will occur this evening, mixed with minor accumulations. Again, salt crews will be dispatched accordingly.
3/14/2023 Noon – The highly anticipated nor’easter has arrived. It is expected to deliver 6-10″ of heavy wet snow, along with winds exceeding 50mph. Dedicated crews are arriving to their sites now, while the remaining staff will have a staggered dispatch between 2 and 4pm. The heaviest snowfall is likely between 4-8pm, with the majority of precipitation done be 3am. With warming temps tomorrow, we have a goal of completing finals before daybreak and even if a slight coating falls, it should melt with the combination of temps, sun, and salt. These storms are particularly dangerous for our sidewalk crews who are most exposed to the elements. If conditions warrant, they will be pulled from the field after their initial breakout round and return for the final round. Return visits for parking stalls and other post storm details will be done during the day on Wednesday.
3/3/2023 9:30am – What looks to be the largest snow storm of the season is upon us. Latest forecasts indicate 12-18″ of heavy wet snow, with substantial winds. These conditions will make for near blizzard conditions and driving will be difficult at best. Our crews are making final preparations at this time, and storm operations dispatch is anticipated to occur between 1-4am tomorrow am for all service segments. With snowfall rates exceeding 1″ per hour expected, coupled with the weight of wet snow, clearing will be continuous until a lull in the action, likely a short break around dinner time Saturday. Customers are asked to be sure to have cars parked in a manner that allows for proper plowing, and to ensure door mats and papers are taken in to avoid snowblower damage. This storm will require all staff members, including members of the management team to assist. Tree damage and power outages are likely. If you are able, please enjoy the day at home and don’t venture out.
3/2/2023 10:00am – Another day, another failed forecast. Crews are being assembled to clear the 1-2″ of wet snow that has fallen this morning instead of the expected rain. The snow is very wet, and with colder temperatures coming this evening, it must be cleared so it doesn’t freeze in place. Salt alone would not be sufficient.
2/28/2023 6:15am – Today’s storm has started earlier than expected, and with much more intensity. Last evening it was forecasted that we would have 2″ by noon today. We are already there at 6am. With that said, we are mobilizing all crews ASAP. Some are already in, and the rest are enroute to the office. If the forecasts holds true, the event seems to be lengthened until almost daybreak Wednesday. As soon as it ends, we will do our final clearing, with 1 or 2 breakout visits until then depending on how much falls.
2/23/2023 1:35pm – Storm update – As noted in our 2/21 post, the storm has trended to a lesser accumulation scenario, however it is more of a split event. The majority of the precipitation ended mid-morning with most areas seeing about 4″. Crews are finishing up with clearing the majority of this snow, however there will be many details that will wait until after the second wave of precipitation this evening. Crews will get a much deserved break from late afternoon today until about midnight or 1am Friday. This second batch of precipitation is expected between 8pm and 2am, in the amounts of 1-3″. An additional note: Colder temperatures with still relatively warm ground temperature is causing snow to melt, then freeze once exposed to air after plowing/shoveling. Though most properties do have salting services, caution should be given to isolated areas that get little to no salt, and during the time period between plowing and salt application/activation.
2/21/2023 9:45am – Our lengthy break from winter weather is about to end. Multiple threats of weather are lined up for the next two weeks, though these forecasts are constantly changing. Roughly speaking, a coating to 2″ is possible this evening, followed by a larger storm predawn Thursday to Friday morning, and other unsettled weather next week. Most properties currently have a coating of salt already on the ground. We will have staff on-call tonight if any additional efforts are needed. The results of this first system will determine if additional salt is needed prior to the larger event. The larger event started as a long duration 12″+ event, but is trending to be less on both accumulation and duration. We expect crews out all day Thursday and through the evening as well. Again, we will dispatch crews as is appropriate for these ever changing events. Any concerns should be called into our office at 883-6000, as emails are not checked too often during the event.
1/22/2023 7:30am – Our next storm system that was originally forecasted as a warm and mostly rainy event, is now looking like 6-8″ of heavy snow starting late this evening and going through the day on Monday. Our timing and approach will be the same as the last two storms, staffing our dedicated commercial sites at 10pm this evening, and all other plowing operators at 1am tomorrow. Shoveling crews will dispatch at 3am. All staff members will be in for the duration of the event, taking structured breaks around the snow intensity and time of day respectively. With another possible substantial snowstorm likely Wednesday into Thursday, there won’t be much rest for crews as Tuesday will be a busy day of repairs and preparation. That storm also looks to follow the same timeline, but we will update this page before it arrives. If the opportunity arises, please thank your plow or shovel worker. A little appreciation is like an hour nap!
1/20/2023 1:00am – This winter storm we expect 6-8″ of snow. Dedicated site crews arrived at 10pm last evening, and all other crews arrive between now and 3am, and will continue to do their breakout rounds until the storm slows and completing this evening for final clean-ups.
1/16/2023 11:30am update – Crews mostly completed the clean-up of the sleet snow mix we received overnight. The prior forecasted lingering snow showers and sleet is now forecasted as a redeveloping system that could bring an additional 3-5″ through 2am tomorrow. Crews are rotating out on short breaks as conditions allow, but we expect to continue operations through final clean-up tomorrow morning. Roads remain snow covered in most areas, so use caution if you do need to venture out.
1/15/2023 1pm – A coastal storm is expected to push into our service area late this evening. Properties were pretreated with salt yesterday evening. Zero tolerance commercial accounts can expect staff from the onset of precipitation, roughly 8pm, and the company will dispatch all staff near 3am Sunday. We expect 2-3″ with lingering snow and sleet throughout Monday. Crews will be in as long as necessary to clean and treat properties.
1/12/2023 6pm – Though warming temps and rain are expected later tonight, some ice glazing is happening on untreated surfaces in our service area, and plowable snow just inland. Our accounts had salt residual from the last weather event, and we also have had crews out monitoring for additional service since mid day today. As the heavier rain moves in, the temps will rise rapidly with the front. On the back end of the storm, another round of salt is possible.
1/5/2023 3pm – Early this morning crews were on standby as the forecast indicated we would have freezing rain and ice. Though that did not materialize, we used the opportunity to salt most accounts as we expect freezing temps this evening and perhaps 1-2″ of snow tomorrow. We are monitoring the situation, and will determine our mode of management in the morning based on updated information. Due to the soft ground, minimal projected snow, light intensity, and relatively warm temps, we likely will opt to salt the event rather than plow.
12/21/22 9:45am – Christmas Break Notice – Maine Turf & Greenery will have reduced hours beginning this afternoon through Monday 12/26. During this time period, the area will have a significant storm system pass through consisting primarily of heavy wind and rain. With that said, a flash freeze is likely on the tail end of the storm along with a few flakes. Crews will be called in ahead of this expected freeze period either late Friday or early Saturday to begin salting as soon as the rain ends. As a reminder, we maintain an “on call” phone if customers need to contact us for a true icing or other weather related emergency, such as tree debris blocking roadways. That number is 207-252-2700. Alternatively for urgent but non-emergency events, email operations at
12/16/22 11:50pm – Update – Winter has arrived! 3-5″ of heavy wet snow has fallen, and it looks to continue well into tomorrow. Crews are arriving over the next two hours to begin their routes.
12/16/22 5:10pm – Update – The warming trend has not come to fruition, and today we’ve observed a continuous mix of snow and rain. Large corporate sites have been serviced throughout the day, and it is likely that most accounts will need some level of service by the end of the storm. At this time we continue to monitor the weather, and anticipate crews being active prior to daybreak and throughout the day tomorrow.
12/15/22 5:45pm – Maine’s first major winter storm of the season appears to be trending a little warmer than expected. Relative warm ocean temps have our service area expecting mostly rain, with possible snow mixing at times. All crews are on standby, and this multi-day event will be monitored for any changes. With that said, we do not have any dispatch times to share at this time. If further updates are needed, we will post them here.
12/14/2022 4:00pm – The first major winter storm of the season is upon us, but the details on precipitation type and quantity are not exactly clear. It is almost certain that slippery conditions will exist, so our crews will be pre-salting properties in the pre-dawn hours on 12/15/22. As more data comes in over the next 24 hours, we will strategize to finalize our dispatch plan. Until then, plan on some degree of travel disruption during the day, both on Friday and Saturday, as this storm really could be in the estimated range of 0-10″. Check back tomorrow evening for our next update.
P.O. Box 6358
Scarborough, ME 04070-6358